The Bill is a British police procedural television series, first broadcast on 16 October 1984 until 31 August 2010. The programme originated from a one-off drama, Woodentop, broadcast in August 1983.
The Bill complete Series 1 to 26 plus specials, Burnside etc
In its final year on air, The Bill was broadcast once a week, usually on Tuesdays or Thursdays, in a one-hour format. The programme focused on the lives and work of one shift of police officers, rather than on any particular aspect of police work. The Bill was the longest-running police procedural television series in the United Kingdom, and among the longest running of any British television series at the time of its cancellation. The title originates from "Old Bill", a slang term for the police.
The Bill complete series complete years on digital hard drive *** NO DVDS - HARD DRIVE ONLY ***
Please note this is item is for the complete series of the bill plus the spin off - beach is back ... burnside ... where are they now etc
You will receive every episode the bill ever released on an high grade hard drive. Connect to smart tv or computer via USB lead to play similar to netflix / sky ... plug and play... rewind.. pause .. fast forward all from your smart tv remote
Quality 8 out of 10 for earlier years, then moved over to digital therefore quality improves 9 of 10 - Excellent picture and sound.
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